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Sunshine Laws are foundational to how the media covers everything from animal shelters to zoning boards. This free training will give an overview of the state and federal laws that ensure access to government records, meetings and proceedings in Georgia. It will explain constitutional rights to gather news and record in public spaces. You’ll learn how to request records; access public meetings; watch out for unlawful exemptions and fees; and get help when you need it. You’ll hear one journalist’s real-world challenges and solutions in an open government case study. And you’ll have a chance to ask a lawyer your open government questions, too.
***Registered attendees will receive an email reminder with Zoom login information the week of the event.***
Training developed by the Georgia News Collaborative in partnership with the UGA School of Law's First Amendment Clinic and the Georgia First Amendment Foundation.
Georgia First Amendment Foundation
7742 Spalding Drive, Suite 209
Norcross, Georgia 30092
gfaf.org | info@gfaf.org | @Ga_FAF